Friday, May 8, 2009

It Gets Easier

About a month ago, my boyfriend/baby daddy, Matt, and I were strolling around the streets of Aspen, running errands, and rubbing shoulders with our former lives as Aspenites. Now we have become DVT (downvalley trash), but we have a place that is affordable, and not the size of a shoe box. We still venture up to Aspen occasionally, and act all elitist as we eat the PB and J's we packed. Ya, PB and J's, but it's really fancy and expensive J; made from diamonds and caviar. (Actually, jelly is kind of expensive) Er, regardless. I have completely not even started to make my point...
Anyways, we were in Aspen, just chillin out on the pedestrian mall with our then two month old girl, when this ski instructor, rushing through the mall, jogs up to us to take a gander. All out of breath, he tells us how cute she is, and such, and how is wife is at home right now with their several day old baby. He looks frantic. He is rushing home to relieve his probably also frantic wife. It was a sweet picture. I tell him not to worry, it's hard at first, but it gets soooo much easier! Just hang in there. He smiles and takes off again. I turned to Matt and asked if it was mean of me to have lied to that guy. 


  1. awww.

    Actually, I think it was extremely nice of you to lie to the guy. :P

  2. LOL! I think it's nice of you to lie to the guy. It's like when you're hiking a mountain and someone tells you the summit is right around the next switchback. It gives you hope, even though you know in your heart that you've got at least five more hours of grueling labor to get to the top.
